NPK Compound Soluble

Water Soluble NPK Compound Soluble

Robina  offers a full range of fully water-soluble compound fertilizers that contain Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium and a wide range of chelated micro nutrients, taking into consideration the soil and water conditions in the region, e.g alkalinity and salinity properties.

Robina production units are fully automated and featuring the latest manufacturing technology, which helps in producing high quality and perfectly homogeneous products. In addition, meticulous selection of prime quality raw materials and fine packaging, in a controlled atmosphere reinforces the inherent quality products of  Robina ’s range.

In our laboratory we determine whether the manufactured products comply with all the legal quality regulations by carrying out exhaustive control on the nutrient balance, solubility, purity and packing of the products in each batch.

Water Soluble NPK Compound Products

Viva is produced with high purity raw materials and chelated micronutrients to ensure quick absorption and high efficiency. Viva is optimum fertilizer for saline soil and saline water conditions. Viva is ideal fertilizer for salt sensitive crops and for crops required high amount of nutrients during certain growth stage. Viva is optimum fertilizer to cover different requirements of plants, according to species, fertigation and soil type.
Viva allow growers to apply plant nutrients requirements with minimum risk of plant stress or plant scorching. Viva is excellent fertilizer to be used as part of good agriculture


20-20-20+TEImproving fruit quality, especially for intensive fruit growthBrochure
30-10-10+TEEncourage root growth, and for flower initiationBrochure
10-50-10+TEFruit development enriched and leaf chlorophyl metabolismBrochure
13-40-13+TEStimulate stem and leaves vegetative growthBrochure
15-30-15+TE Brochure
6-6-40+TE Brochure
6-6-43+TE Brochure
12-12-36+TE Brochure